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Run Elasticsearch locally

·591 words·3 mins· loading · loading ·
The indie coder
The indie coder
Software Engineer

In this post I am going to show you how easy it is to install and run Elasticsearch on your local machine. How to achieve this is really well explained in the Elastic documentation. However, I would like to show you how to do it using the interface instead of the command line.

Step 1: Install Docker

If you don’t have Docker installed, you have to install it. You can download Docker Desktop from here.

When you open the application for the first time, Docker will prompt you to choose between using reccomended setttings or customizing them. For our purpose, choosing the reccomended settings is enough (refer to the picture below).

configuration preference
configuration preference

Step 2: Adjust Docker memory size

To run the Elasticsearch container without any issues, you need to allocate at least 4GB of memory. If you are using the macOS version of Docker Desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the settings icon in the top bar
  2. Go to Resources > Advanced
    docker settings window
    docker settings window

If you have installed version 4.x.x of Docker, the memory is already set to 4GB, but it is always good to double-check.

Step 3: Pull Elasticsearch and Kibana images

Now it’s time to pull elasticsearch and kibana images from Docker Hub. In the search bar at the top, search for elasticsearch.

docker search bar
docker search bar

You will see both the elasticsearch and kibana images. Pull elasticsearch image, and do the same for kibana.

elasticsearch and kibana images
elasticsearch and kibana images

Step 4: Start Containers for the images

Under the Images tab, you will find the images that you pulled in the previous step. First, run elasticsearch container. Under Actions click on Run. A popup will show up. Click on optional settings and provide the following information:

  • Container name
  • Host ports
  • Set discovery.type environemt variable with the value set to single node

optional settings elasticsearch
optional settings elasticsearch
Now do the same for kibana. You only need to add a name and the port.
optional settings kibana
optional settings kibana

You can see both containers up and running under Containers tab.

Step 5: Setting up kibana

To complete the setup, we need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new enrollment token
  2. Reset the password for the elastic user.

create new enrollment token

To generate a new enrollment token, go to Containers > click on elasticsearch container and in the terminal run:

 bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token --scope kibana

enrollment token

reset elastic user password

In the terminal of elasticsearch container, run the following command:

bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic 

You should see a result similar to this:

reset password

Type y and you will see the new password.

reset-password result
reset password result

Once we have the token and password, go to Containers > click on kibana container and go to Logs tab. Click on the link you find there. It should look something like this:

Paste the enrollment token you created earlier.

kibana get started
kibana get started

At this point you can log in as the elastic user with the password you just reset.

kibana login
kibana login

And you’re done! 🚀 elasticsearch and kibana up and running on your local machine.

You can test it out using the kibana console at Management > Dev Tools.

When you’re finished you can stop the containers and close Docker.

If you want to restart elasticsearch, simply start the elasticsearch container first and when it is up, start kibana.

Go to:

and log in again.


This post aims to show you how to run Elasticsearch locally using Docker Desktop interface. I hope it helps you.


Elastic documentation