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The indie coder

The indie coder

AWS and serverless enthusiast 🚀


Secrets Manager API vs Lambda Extension: performance comparison
·689 words·4 mins· loading · loading
More than one and half year ago AWS announced the launch of the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension.
Enabling AWS tags for billing
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Recently I began tagging resources in my primary AWS account.
Secure and Lightweight containers with Red Hat
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Why # The release of applications through lightweight containers has practical advantages, as the images contain all the dependencies necessary for the correct functioning of the application.
Use AWS Credentials in a Dev Container
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If you work with AWS, you must have used AWS credentials at least once to run commands through the AWS CLI, CDK CLI, or SAM CLI.
Dev Container Setup for Hugo
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Some weeks ago, I spoked about the benefits of using Dev Containers in Open Source projects.