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The indie coder

The indie coder

AWS and serverless enthusiast 🚀


AWS Control Tower with CDK: set up IAM Identity Center
·761 words·4 mins· loading · loading
When setting up access to your AWS accounts governed by AWS Control Tower, you have two options: Allow Control Tower to configure account access with IAM Identity Center. Configure IAM Identity Center or another access method yourself. If you decide to let Control Tower manage account access with IAM Identity Center, the setup process can be straightforward or complex, depending on your Control Tower configuration.
Secrets Manager API vs Lambda Extension: performance comparison
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More than one and half year ago AWS announced the launch of the AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension. This extension allows you to retrieve secrets and parameters from AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager, respectively, without using the APIs. By doing so, you can avoid the associated costs and the need to manage the caching of values manually.
Enabling AWS tags for billing
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Recently I began tagging resources in my primary AWS account. I use this account as a playground where I can experiment with services and occasionally host side projects. As I’ve recently hosted new projects, I figured it was time to have a better understanding of costs, hence the decision to implement tagging.
Secure and Lightweight containers with Red Hat
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Why # The release of applications through lightweight containers has practical advantages, as the images contain all the dependencies necessary for the correct functioning of the application. However, the benefits of containerization can be lost if these images are too large and therefore require several minutes for the application to start.
Use AWS Credentials in a Dev Container
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If you work with AWS, you must have used AWS credentials at least once to run commands through the AWS CLI, CDK CLI, or SAM CLI. When developing in a Dev Container, you don’t have access to your local file system. So, if you try to run an AWS command in the Dev Container, you will encounter some sort of “missing credentials” error.